Court Type: | County Court |
State: | NY |
County: | Franklin |
Street Address: | 355 West Main Street |
City: | Malone |
Zip Code: | 12953 |
Phone: | 518-481-1732 |
Hours: | Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Robert G. Main, Jr |
Judge Phone: | 518-353-7320 |
Judge Fax / Email: | |
Clerk: | Fawn Tatro |
Clerk Phone: | 518-353-7340 |
Clerk Email: | |
Parking: | The main parking lot is on Brewster Street behind the courthouse. You may park in appropriate spaces along Main Street. Observe the signs for areas which prohibit parking |
Restrictions: | All persons and packages entering the court facility are subject to magnetometer and x-ray screening. Weapons of any kind and all sharp or dangerous instruments, including knives and scissors, are not permitted |
Forms & Filing: | |
Divisions / Services: | |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | Multiple |
Email: | |
ADA Phone: | 518-285-5099 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |
About / Additional Info: | The Fourth Judicial District, comprising eleven counties, is located in the northeast sector of the state and is, geographically, the largest of New York State's judicial districts, constituting 26% of the state's land mass. The district borders Canada in the north, Vermont in the east, and extends south to and includes Schenectady County. Travel from one end of the district to the other takes four hours with the greatest part of the drive taking one through rural mountain areas on secondary roads. The district's population is approximately 840,000, or 4.7% of the population of the state, with 65% of the populace concentrated in the six southern counties.Because of the Canadian border and the St. Lawrence Seaway there is considerable international trade in our district. There is manufacturing and agriculture. It is the vacation land of our State where tourism is a major industry. It has mountains, lakes and rivers, and the State's two principal superhighways run east to west and north to south through the District. |